"Finn, who was good at finding things on the ocean floor, jumped into the water to look for the bucket. He looked in seaweed beds and behind rocks, but he couldn't see it anywhere. Then, just as he was about to give up, he noticed something in the distance. Swimming closer, he saw a fishing net wrapped around a piling...and there, caught in the net, was a very frightened sea turtle. Finn knew he had to work fast, but would he be able to free the turtle in time?"
Finn, who considers himself to be a "regular everyday" dog and his best friend, Little Mutt, spend every summer together on Hawk's Nest Beach, fetching driftwood and playing with the children. The last thing Finn expects is a life-and-death adventure beneath the waves. After unexpectedly coming across a trapped sea turtle, Finn does what heroes do: he selflessly jumps into action to save the turtle's life. Finn discovers that being ordinary doesn't mean you're unable to do extraordinary things. Many regular everyday" heroes give of themselves to help others and save lives, no matter how "ordinary" they may think they are.