At the age of thirty-three, Edward Deravenel, having survived harrowing years of betrayal, threats from ruthless enemies, countless lovers, and a war that ravaged his country, is finally king of his company. It's 1918, an influenza pandemic is sweeping the country, and Edward...
The dramatic new Ravenscar novel from the international bestselling author of Woman of Substance. As the First World War draws to a close, all seems golden for young Edward Deravenel, charismatic head of the family empire and master of Ravenscar. Yet beneath...
The Deravenels: Their business empire is worth billions, their influence stretches across the globe. And Edward, the dashing and charismatic chosen son, is the king of his company at last. He has survived harrowing years of betrayal, threats from ruthless enemies, and countless...
At the age of thirty-three, Edward Deravenel, having survived harrowing years of betrayal, threats from ruthless enemies, countless lovers, and a war that ravaged his country, is finally king of his company. It's 1918, an influenza pandemic is sweeping the country, and Edward...