Nothing will ever mystify or challenge the Wonder. He masters entire libraries and languages with little effort. No equation, no problem is too difficult to solve. His casual conversations with ministers and philosophers decimate their vaunted beliefs and crush their cherished...
John Davys Beresford (17 March 1873 - 1 February 1947) was an English writer, now remembered for his early science fiction and some short stories in the horror story and ghost story genres. Beresford was a great admirer of H.G. Wells, and wrote the first critical study of Wells...
The Wonder is a haunting and atmospheric novel of psychological suspense. Set in the aftermath of World War I, it tells the story of Stephen Thorpe, a young man who returns to his childhood home in the English countryside to recover from his war wounds. But as Stephen begins...
The Wonder is a haunting and atmospheric novel of psychological suspense. Set in the aftermath of World War I, it tells the story of Stephen Thorpe, a young man who returns to his childhood home in the English countryside to recover from his war wounds. But as Stephen begins...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
The Hampdenshire Wonder is a novel written by J.D. Beresford. The story is set in the early 20th century in a small village in England called Hampdenshire. The novel revolves around a young girl named Elizabeth, who is believed to have extraordinary psychic abilities. Her abilities...
The Hampdenshire Wonder is a mystery novel written by J.D. Beresford. The story revolves around a young girl named Julia Redmond, who is believed to possess extraordinary psychic abilities. Julia's father, a wealthy businessman, hires a team of scientists to study her abilities...
The Hampdenshire Wonder is a 1911 science fiction novel by J. D. Beresford. It is one of the first novels to involve a wunderkind. The child in it, Victor Stott, is the son of a famous cricket player. This origin is perhaps a reference to H.G. Wells's father Joseph Wells.
Reproduction of the original: The Hampdenshire Wonder by J.D Beresford
Reproduction of the original: The Hampdenshire Wonder by J.D Beresford
The Hampdenshire Wonder is a novel written by J.D. Beresford. The story is set in the early 1900s and revolves around a young boy named Victor Stott who is born with an extraordinary ability to memorize and recall information. Victor's talent is discovered by his schoolteacher,...
The Hampdenshire Wonder is a 1911 science fiction novel by J. D. Beresford. It is one of the first novels to involve a wunderkind. The child in it, Victor Stott, is the son of a famous cricket player. This origin is perhaps a reference to H.G. Wells's father Joseph Wells.