Minerva figured an old, wealthy family like the Bairds would have a few skeletons in the closet. She just didn't expect the tree guy to dig one of them up. But when the century-old remains of a mysterious Baird relation are found on the grounds of the family's famous estate, Minerva is eager to once again delve into history and unearth the truth.
Until the murdered woman's granddaughter comes to Tybryd, and winds up murdered herself. Now the deeper Minerva digs into the past, the more dangerous the present becomes. And the more bizarre. As she and her indomitable dog Plantagenet sift through the secrets buried with those bones, they dredge up arcane treasures, enigmatic maids, the Titanic, and ... witchcraft?
Impenetrable as the terrain may seem, Minerva will have to uncover the pieces of two women's lives, broken and buried more than a hundred years apart. Because if she can't, she might just end up six feet under.