Written in the Gothic tradition, The Grey Woman tells a powerful story of deception and distrust. This complex tale is told in an epistolary format from the perspective of the protagonist, Anna Scherer. Similar to other Gaskell works, a recurring theme is the oppression...
The Grey Woman is a Gothic novella written by Elizabeth Gaskell. The story is set in Germany and follows the life of a young woman named Anna, who is forced to leave her home and family to marry a wealthy man named Baron von Reichenbach. Anna soon discovers that her husband is...
The Grey Woman is a Gothic novella written by Elizabeth Gaskell. The story is set in the mid-19th century in Germany and follows the life of a young woman named Anna, who marries a mysterious man named Gerald. Anna soon discovers that her husband has a dark past and is being...
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell n e Stevenson (1810-1865), often referred to simply as Mrs. Gaskell, was an English novelist and short story writer during the Victorian era. She is perhaps best known for her biography of Charlotte Bront . Her novels offer a detailed portrait of the...
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell's classic book of 8 short stories shows life in Germany during the French Revolution, and in Manchester during the Industrial Revolution. Lightly edited for modern readers, this Inwood Commons Modern Edition includes translations from French and standardized...
The Grey Woman is a gothic novella written by Elizabeth Gaskell. The story is set in the mid-19th century and follows the life of a young woman named Anna, who is forced to marry a wealthy man named Baron von Reisenstein after her father's death. Anna soon discovers that her...
Anna kommt in der zweiten H lfte des 18. Jahrhunderts als Tochter eines Heidelberger M llers zur Welt. Ihr beschauliches Leben erf hrt mehrere unerwartete Wendungen, nachdem sie ihre Freundin Sophie in Karlsruhe besucht. - Die Kurzgeschichte "Die Graue Frau" von Elizabeth Gaskell...