From a beloved master of crime fiction, The Green Ripper is one of many classic novels featuring Travis McGee, the hard-boiled detective who lives on a houseboat. Travis McGee has known his share of beautiful girls, but true love always passed him by--until Gretel. Life aboard...
"McGee has become part of our national fabric." SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER Beautiful girls always grace the Florida beaches, strolling, sailing, relaxing at the many parties on Travis McGee's houseboat, The Busted Flush. McGee was too smart--and had been around too long--for...
"McGee has become part of our national fabric." SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER Beautiful girls always grace the Florida beaches, strolling, sailing, relaxing at the many parties on Travis McGee's houseboat, The Busted Flush. McGee was too smart--and had been around too long--for...
"McGee has become part of our national fabric." SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER Beautiful girls always grace the Florida beaches, strolling, sailing, relaxing at the many parties on Travis McGee's houseboat, The Busted Flush. McGee was too smart--and had been around too long--for...
"McGee has become part of our national fabric." SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER Beautiful girls always grace the Florida beaches, strolling, sailing, relaxing at the many parties on Travis McGee's houseboat, The Busted Flush. McGee was too smart--and had been around too long--for...
"McGee has become part of our national fabric." SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER Beautiful girls always grace the Florida beaches, strolling, sailing, relaxing at the many parties on Travis McGee's houseboat, The Busted Flush. McGee was too smart--and had been around too long--for...