The Green Odyssey is an uproarious, hell-bent adventure story, combining fantasy, imagination and science, with a liberal dash of humor. It is in the best tradition of adventure science fiction, a swashbuckling tale of a resourceful spaceman who is, however, uneasily aware that...
"The Green Odyssey" was Philip Jos? Farmer's first book-length publication, originally released in 1957. It has been called "rollicking science-fiction adventure," "uproarious," "swashbuckling," and "sheer fun," and described by science-fiction critic Sam Moskowitz as "filled...
This book has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped...
The Green Odyssey is an uproarious hell-bent adventure story combining fantasy imagination and science with a liberal dash of humor. It is in the best tradition of adventure science fiction a swashbuckling tale of a resourceful spaceman who is however uneasily aware that he may...
The Green Odyssey is an uproarious hell-bent adventure story combining fantasy imagination and science with a liberal dash of humor. It is in the best tradition of adventure science fiction a swashbuckling tale of a resourceful spaceman who is however uneasily aware that he may...
"The Green Odyssey" was Philip Jos Farmer's first book-length publication, originally released in 1957. It has been called "rollicking science-fiction adventure," "uproarious," "swashbuckling," and "sheer fun," and described by science-fiction critic Sam Moskowitz as "filled...