Christ was the ideal example of pacifism, and yet the United States, which was founded on Christian principles, has one of the largest armies in the world. We need to understand if and where the Western church has deviated from the Scriptures. The Great Western Deception examines the historical context of pacifism and the Scriptures that address a Christian's participation in military action.
Ron joined the military at the age of seventeen with the hope of adventure. On the flight to boot camp, he heard God's voice: "Ron, are you going to live the rest of your life for yourself, or are you going to live for Me?" By the time the plane landed, Ron had made Christ both his Savior and Lord. During his time in the service, he was nicknamed "reverend" because of the radical change in his attitude, behavior, and character. Ron has endeavored to serve his Lord Jesus Christ in instant, absolute obedience. Christians first recognized Ron's prophetic gift while working in the inner city. His heart was broken by the church's apathy to the poor and by Christianity's conformity to the world. Over forty years ago, Ron decided to follow Christ and has continued to grow not only in the knowledge but also in the likeness of his Lord. During his early years as a Christian, God challenged Ron's view of participation in military conflict. This book is a summary of the lessons God taught him. Ron hopes that after reading this book, you will study the issue yourself and be challenged to fight in God's war that changes the world one person at a time. The true battle is a spiritual battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Immediately after receiving Christ as Savior and Lord, Ron became engaged in this spiritual battle by sharing the Gospel with those in his army platoon. After an honorable discharge, God challenged Ron to be His instrument in the ghettos, free the people oppressed by Satan, and lead them into God's kingdom. Ron's hope is for God to free those whom Satan has taken captive through wrong doctrine. The war continues today. God is still looking for a few good men and women who will join in the conflict. Will you join Ron in God's army by putting yourself in harm's way?
war, cowardice, pacifism, conscience objection, just war, peacemakers, international conflict, military service, harm's way, spiritual warfare