The Great American Novel (1923) is an experimental novel by William Carlos Williams. Although he is predominately known as a poet, Williams frequently pushed the limits of prose style throughout his career. In the defining decade of Modernism, Williams sought to try...
Worldwide literature classic, among top 100 literary novels of all time. A must read for everybody, a book that will keep saying what it has to say for years.
This is an unusual short classic by poet William Carlos Williams. Written in 1923 and originally published in France, The Great American Novel examines the impossibility of writing such work in America. Williams not only writes the novel with poetic satire and...
This is an unusual short classic by poet William Carlos Williams. Written in 1923 and originally published in France, The Great American Novel examines the impossibility of writing such work in America. Williams not only writes the novel with poetic satire and...
This is an unusual short classic by poet William Carlos Williams. Written in 1923 and originally published in France, The Great American Novel examines the impossibility of writing such work in America. Williams not only writes the novel with poetic satire and...
The first single volume publication of Williams' early novel since its original publication.