The search for a legendary automobile threatens the careers and lives of husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo in this thrilling adventure in Clive Cussler's bestselling series.
In 1906, a groundbreaking Rolls-Royce prototype known as the Gray Ghost vanishes from the streets...
The search for a legendary automobile threatens the careers and lives of husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo in this thrilling new adventure in Clive Cussler's bestselling series. In 1906, a groundbreaking Rolls-Royce prototype known as the Gray Ghost vanishes from the streets...
The search for a legendary automobile threatens the careers and lives of husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo in this thrilling adventure in Clive Cussler's bestselling series.
In 1906, a groundbreaking Rolls-Royce prototype known as the Gray Ghost vanishes from the streets...