The Grafters is a novel written by Francis Lynde. The story revolves around a group of men who are known as ""grafters"". These men are experts in the art of swindling and cheating people out of their money. The main character, John Burkett, is a young man who is trying to make...
In point of age, Gaston the strenuous was still no more than a lusty infant among the cities of the brown plain when the boom broke and the junto was born, though its beginnings as a halt camp ran back to the days of the later Mormon migrations across the thirsty plain; to that...
In point of age, Gaston the strenuous was still no more than a lusty infant among the cities of the brown plain when the boom broke and the junto was born, though its beginnings as a halt camp ran back to the days of the later Mormon migrations across the thirsty plain; to that...
In point of age, Gaston the strenuous was still no more than a lusty infant among the cities of the brown plain when the boom broke and the junto was born, though its beginnings as a halt camp ran back to the days of the later Mormon migrations across the thirsty plain; to that...
Francis Lynde (1856-1930) was an American author. Three of his books were adapted to film. He was born in Lewiston, New York, and wrote adventure novels set in the American West in the early 20th century. The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Bicentennial Library has a collection of...
The Grafters is a novel written by Francis Lynde that was first published in 1906. It is a story of political corruption and greed set in the American West during the early 1900s. The main characters are a group of corrupt politicians and businessmen who are involved in a scheme...
The Grafters is a novel written by Francis Lynde, first published in 1906. The story is set in the early 20th century in the United States, and follows the lives of two brothers, Jack and Bob Orde, who are trying to make a living as lumberjacks in the forests of Michigan. The...