Poached, scrambled, boiled, whipped into a cocktail, transformed into a painting medium, tossed at an enemy's house. As the most striking of paradoxes, the egg exists in happy suspension between humble household ingredient and ever-powerful source of life. One of the most...
Poached, scrambled, boiled, whipped into a cocktail, transformed into a painting medium, tossed at an enemy's house. As the most striking of paradoxes, the egg exists in happy suspension between humble household ingredient and ever-powerful source of life. One...
Poch , brouill , mollet, battu dans un cocktail, transform en mat riau par les peintres, jet sur une maison ennemie: incarnation du paradoxe, l'oeuf existe, en bienheureuse suspension entre humble ingr dient de cuisine et toute-puissante source de vie. Symboles...