The Good Sport is a novel by Sinclair Lewis that tells the story of a young man named Neil Kingsblood who lives in a small Midwestern town. Neil is a successful businessman and a respected member of the community, but he begins to question his own beliefs and values when he discovers...
The Good Sport is a novel written by Sinclair Lewis, an American author and playwright. The book tells the story of a young man named Neil Herbert, who is a talented athlete and popular student at his college. Neil is the captain of the football team and has a bright future ahead...
The Good Sport is a novel written by Sinclair Lewis, first published in 1921. The story follows the life of a young man named Neil Herbert, who is a talented athlete and popular among his peers. Neil is initially content with his life, but as he grows older, he becomes increasingly...
""The Good Sport"" is a short story written by Sinclair Lewis, originally published in 1919. The story follows the character of George F. Babbitt, a successful businessman and member of the social elite in Zenith, a fictional Midwestern city. Babbitt is an avid golfer and is...