The Good Shepherd is a collection of short stories and anecdotes on the subject of the Good Shepherd and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Clara Belle Baker and Edna Dean Baker use their storytelling skills to offer a unique perspective on the Christian faith and to inspire readers...
The Good Shepherd is a novel written by Edna Dean Baker and first published in 1921. The story revolves around the life of a young woman named Mary Ware, who is determined to become a missionary in China. Mary is passionate about her faith and feels called to serve others, but...
The Good Shepherd is a novel written by Edna Dean Baker in 1921. The story revolves around a young woman named Mary, who is a devoted Christian and a teacher at a Sunday school. She becomes the caretaker of a group of children who are neglected by their parents and live in poverty...
The Good Shepherd is a collection of short stories and anecdotes on the subject of the Good Shepherd and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Clara Belle Baker and Edna Dean Baker use their storytelling skills to offer a unique perspective on the Christian faith and to inspire readers...