This book has so much information. It’s enough information that it won’t overwhelm younger listeners. It’s a great book to have to teach your children our history.
This is a fantastically done book. I was cautious about a "War" book for kids - worried that the historical tragedy and horrors of war would be either too graphic or transformed in macho-heroism. This book does neither.This book is very well balanced history book. It lays out the historical facts, interspersed with quality and relevent anecdotes and personal events. It shows the young reader the sacrifice and courage of the...
Chances are that most teenagers today have or had grandfathers who served in World War II and grandmothers who helped with the war effort at home. Yet those experiences seem like ancient history to many young people. This superb volume should help bring home the message of why the American war effort was so important, and the magnitude of the sacrifices that were made on their behalf. Hopefully, these materials will then...
I am really not that amazed that my nine-year-old nephew loved this book, after all Stephen Ambrose wrote it, the pictures are great and the topic is timely (what with that new WWII movie out). What I'm surprised with is how much I enjoyed reading it. Most of us know a smattering of WWII; Pearl Harbor, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, but again and again I found myself saying "Wow, I didn't know that!" Ambrose has a knack for telling...
This is an extraordinary book! I was amazed at how Stephen Ambrose could write the story of World War II for a young audience. My daughter asked me a lot of questions--she was really interested in Rosie the Riveter! And my son wanted me to explain more. The photos and illustrations did a wonderful job adding to Ambrose's words. I have to say that I learned some things that I didn't know, too! Thank you, Mr. Ambrose for taking...