The Return of Ars ne Lupin (1917) is a novel by Maurice Leblanc. Blending crime fiction, fantasy, and mystery, Leblanc crafts original and entertaining tales of adventure starring one of the greatest literary characters of all time-Ars ne Lupin, gentleman thief. Partly...
The Golden Triangle: The Return of Ars ne Lupin begins with the attempted kidnap of a lovely nurse known as Little Mother Coralie who is rescued by Captain Patrice Belval and his heroic Senegalese cohort Ya-Bon. As the labyrinthine plot unfolds and all hope of remedy seems lost,...
The Return of Ars ne Lupin (1917) is a novel by Maurice Leblanc. Blending crime fiction, fantasy, and mystery, Leblanc crafts original and entertaining tales of adventure starring one of the greatest literary characters of all time-Ars ne Lupin, gentleman thief. Partly...
Paris, 1915. No auge da Primeira Guerra Mundial, um soldado mutilado, o Capit?o Patr?cio Belval se apaixona por sua enfermeira, conhecida como Madre Cor?lia. Por?m, este amor proibido acaba o envolvendo em uma grande trama internacional de contrabando das reservas de ouro da...
Perigos surgem de todos os lados, a todos os momentos. Para se ver livre deles, o capit?o Belval precisara da ajuda de algu?m excepcional, de ningu?m menos que do detetive ladr?o, Ars?ne Lupin. Mas Lupin est? morto: ele se jogou no mar do topo de uma rocha... Uma narrativa muito...
The book "" The Golden Triangle: The Return of Ars?ne Lupin "" has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations...
1915. Le capitaine Belval poursuit sa convalescence Paris et, par le plus grand des hasards, surprend une conversation. Il n'y a pas de doute, la jeune et jolie infirmi re ador e de tous les bless s qui sont pass s par son ambulance et qu'ils appellent affectueusement " maman...
"Le Triangle d'Or" est un roman d'aventures crit par l'auteur fran ais Maurice Leblanc, publi en 1918. Ce roman met en sc ne le c l bre personnage d'Ars ne Lupin, le gentleman-cambrioleur, qui est devenu une figure embl matique de la litt rature fran aise. L'intrigue de "Le...
The Golden Triangle: The Return of Arsene Lupin"
Le capitaine Belval poursuit sa convalescence Paris et, par le plus grand des hasards, surprend une conversation. Il n'y a pas de doute, la jeune et jolie infirmi re ador e de tous les bless s qui sont pass s par son ambulance et qu'ils appellent affectueusement " maman Coralie...
Captain Patrice Belval falls in love with Little Mother Coralie, a nurse who attended to his war injuries, completely unaware of the past and the future involving them. His success at foiling an attempt to kidnap her only begins the dangerous events that follow and the unraveling...
It was close upon half-past six and the evening shadows were growing denser when two soldiers reached the little space, planted with trees, opposite the Mus e Galli ra, where the Rue de Chaillot and the Rue Pierre-Charron meet. One wore an infantryman's sky-blue great-coat; the...
Maurice Marie ?mile Leblanc (11 December 1864 - 6 November 1941) was a French novelist and writer of short stories, known primarily as the creator of the fictional gentleman thief and detective Ars?ne Lupin, often described as a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle's creation...
"The Golden Triangle" as another fantastic mystery by Leblanc featuring gentleman thief ars?ne Lupin. It takes place during World War I and wounded warrior Patrice Belval is in love with his nurse. This early work by Maurice Leblanc was originally published in 1918 and we are...