How much wizard power is too much?
Some people are born with magical powers.
Others are not.
It's that simple.
Roland Tyre, High Wizard of the Citadel, has always wanted to be the most powerful wizard in the land and adored by all. But there is already someone else that vies for that title - Bakari, the Dragon King; one of his best friends.
While Bakari and the dragon riders race off to find the lost dragon artifacts and the mythical golden dragon, Roland discovers his own magical artifact that gives him the opportunity to increase his own powers and influence in the land.
Can friendships survive greed for power? And who will emerge as the most powerful wizard in the land?
A grand adventure awaits with powerful wizards, kidnappings, traitors, kingdoms changing hands, and of course dragons and other magical creatures.
Is the Golden Dragon real and if so, who will find him first?