An enchanting story that has inspired generations of writers, including Boccaccio, Shakespeare, Cervantes and Keats Written towards the end of the second century AD, The Golden Ass tells the story of the many adventures of a young man whose fascination with...
Acclaimed poet and translator Sarah Ruden brilliantly brings Apuleius's comic tale to life "A rollicking ride well worth the fare, . . . marvelously, sidesplittingly ridiculous. . . . It's a story, not a homily, and Sarah Ruden has re-bestowed it with artful...
Apuleius's Golden Ass is a unique, entertaining, and thoroughly readable Latin novel--the only work of fiction in Latin to have survived from antiquity. It tells the story of the hero Lucius, whose curiosity and fascination for sex and magic results in his transformation into...
The story of The Golden Ass is that of Lucius Apuleius, a young man of good birth who encountered many strange adventures while disporting himself along the roads to Thessaly. Not the least of these occurred when Apuleius offended a priestess of the White Goddess, who...
The Golden Asse
Conceived at the zenith of the Roman Empire, Apuleius's The Golden Ass--a bawdy, comic romp centered on a man-turned-animal--is the only ancient work of fiction in Latin that survives in its entirety. In playful, evocative prose, the novel recounts the travails of Lucius,...
A frank and vivid modern version of one of the most diverting of all classics. Lindsay's translation captures the genuine flavor, sharp dialogue, outrageous humor, racy delight and subtle style of Apuleius' sophisticated masterpiece.
Apuleius' famous novel, The Metamorphoses, tells the story of a man who was magically changed into an ass, and who had various (humorous, sad, exciting, disturbing, erotic, horrific) adventures before he regained his human form. As well as being genuinely interesting and great...
Apuleius was a student of Platonist philosophy and Latin prose writer who produced the novel "Metamorphoses", more popularly known as "The Golden Ass". This work is the only Latin novel to survive in its entirety. Adapted from an earlier Greek story, "The Golden Ass" tells...
Conceived at the zenith of the Roman Empire, Apuleius's The Golden Ass --a bawdy, comic romp centered on a man-turned-animal--is the only ancient work of fiction in Latin that survives in its entirety. In playful, evocative prose, the novel recounts the travails of Lucius, a...
El asno de oro, o Las Metamorfosis de Lucio Apuleyo, es la nica novela latina completa que se ha podido hallar. Fue escrita en el siglo II d. C., y era una adaptaci n de un original griego, cuyo autor fuera posiblemente Lucio de Pratae. Es una obra imaginativa, irreverente y...
Apuleius's Golden Ass is a unique, entertaining, and thoroughly readable Latin novel--the only work of fiction in Latin to have survived from antiquity. It tells the story of the hero Lucius, whose curiosity and fascination for sex and magic results in his transformation into...
El asno de oro de Apuleyo (siglo II) est considerada una de las grandes novelas de la literatura latina y una de las joyas de la literatura universal. Aunque el tema no es original, pues exist a otra obra anterior titulada Lucio, el asno, Apuleyo da a su obra una nueva dimensi...