In this inspiration for the new season of the #1 Netflix show The Lincoln Lawyer, defense attorney Mickey Haller is forced to bend the law until it breaks when he's hired to defend a man accused of killing a prostitute in this suspenseful novel, the "best one yet" (The...
In this inspiration for the new season of the #1 Netflix show The Lincoln Lawyer, defense attorney Mickey Haller is forced to bend the law until it breaks when he's hired to defend a man accused of killing a prostitute in this suspenseful novel, the "best one yet" (The...
From a New York Times bestselling author, and the inspiration for the #1 Netflix show The Lincoln Lawyer, defense attorney Mickey Haller is forced to bend the law until it breaks when he's hired to defend a man accused of killing a prostitute in this suspenseful...
From a New York Times bestselling author, and the inspiration for the #1 Netflix show The Lincoln Lawyer, defense attorney Mickey Haller is forced to bend the law until it breaks when he's hired to defend a man accused of killing a prostitute in this suspenseful...
From a New York Times bestselling author, and the inspiration for the #1 Netflix show The Lincoln Lawyer, defense attorney Mickey Haller is forced to bend the law until it breaks when he's hired to defend a man accused of killing a prostitute in this suspenseful...
Attorney Mickey Haller receives an urgent text message containing the number 187, which is the police code for murder. For lawyers, these are risky cases, but also the ones with the most billable hours. When Mickey discovers that the victim was a former client, he feels indebted...
From a New York Times bestselling author, and the inspiration for the #1 Netflix show The Lincoln Lawyer, defense attorney Mickey Haller is forced to bend the law until it breaks when he's hired to defend a man accused of killing a prostitute in this suspenseful...
From a New York Times bestselling author, and the inspiration for the #1 Netflix show The Lincoln Lawyer, defense attorney Mickey Haller is forced to bend the law until it breaks when he's hired to defend a man accused of killing a prostitute in this suspenseful...
Defense attorney Mickey Haller returns with a haunting case in the gripping new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael Connelly. Mickey Haller gets the text, "Call me ASAP - 187," and the California penal code for murder immediately...
Defense attorney Mickey Haller returns with a haunting case in the gripping new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael Connelly. Mickey Haller gets the text, "Call me ASAP - 187," and the California penal code for murder immediately gets his...
From a New York Times bestselling author, and the inspiration for the #1 Netflix show The Lincoln Lawyer, defense attorney Mickey Haller is forced to bend the law until it breaks when he's hired to defend a man accused of killing a prostitute in this suspenseful...