God's plans for women is for them to nurture their children and be the first role models to their daughters, but most mothers of today are failing in their responsibilities. This book is an essential guide to leading an exemplary life in a challenging world full of unexpected events such as sudden loss of job, loss of close relations, terminal illness, loss of property, academic failure, business failure, sudden relationship break-up etc.
This book will inspire women on the importance of taking on the lead role in their homes and in their communities, not as the lady boss, but as a godly role models to the younger women and due to the fact that children learn by what they hear, see, and feel, there is an urgent need to feed their ears with positive words and their minds with love. There is an urgent need to lead them out of darkness into God's marvellous light, in order for them to be who they are created to be and for us to fulfil our parts, not just as mothers but as great godly mothers.
God is faithfully at work in the lives of many families around the world, renewing their hearts, strengthening their love, and making their stories a great success. God wants to help you too. Get ready to experience your relationship with your husband and children in a brand-new light as God takes the wheel and rekindles the flames of your first love. Just as we fan a charcoal fire in order to maintain the flames, our love can also cool down unless we fan it every day.