Joan Samuel's view of religion is as a whole that is divided into many parts and believes that one is connected to the other like pieces of a puzzle. She says that the answers to perplexing questions about one's religion could be found in another religion, and is a means to develop a deeper understanding of God. In her belief there is no wrong religion. Instead of hating one religion over another, she asks that each person respect the other and be united by thruth to attain a higher form of spirituality.
The Goddess Energy Returned 999-There Is No Religion Higher Than Truth is an attempt to overturn the animosity between differing beliefs of mankind by looking beyond religion and focusing on the development of oneself-morally and spiritually.
About the Author
Joan Samuel is a native of Trinidad and Tobago. She attended Beixton College, London England, Clayton State College and Atlanta College. Her interest in reading and religion has led her to study many different Christian sects and other religions.