A tale in the tradition of Jane Eyre and Rebecca, in which a young woman follows her new husband to his remote home on the Icelandic coast in the 1680s, where she faces dark secrets surrounding the death of his first wife amidst a foreboding landscape and the superstitions...
A tale in the tradition of Jane Eyre and Rebecca, in which a young woman follows her new husband to his remote home on the Icelandic coast in the 1680s, where she faces dark secrets surrounding the death of his first wife amidst a foreboding landscape and the superstitions...
"A perfect, gripping winter read. I loved it." --Sophie Mackintosh, Man Booker longlisted author of The Water Cure "Memorable and compelling. A novel about what haunts us--and what should." --Sarah Moss, author of Ghost Wall R sa has always dreamed of living a...
"A perfect, gripping winter read. I loved it." --Sophie Mackintosh, Man Booker longlisted author of The Water Cure "Memorable and compelling. A novel about what haunts us--and what should." --Sarah Moss, author of Ghost Wall R sa has always dreamed of living a...
"A perfect, gripping winter read. I loved it." --Sophie Mackintosh, Man Booker longlisted author of The Water Cure "Memorable and compelling. A novel about what haunts us--and what should." --Sarah Moss, author of Ghost Wall R sa has always dreamed of living a...
Islandia, 1686. El paisaje inh spito y desfi gurado por la lava puede tragarse a un hombre sin que los volcanes exhalen un solo suspiro. Islandia, 1686.
Tras su inesperado compromiso matrimonial con Jon Eriksson, Rosa abandona su hogar para instalarse en la remota...