Included in the Lakota People's Law Project Decolonized Reading List for 2025
We find our way forward by going back.
The invented history of the Western world is crumbling fast, Anishinaabe writer Patty Krawec says, but we can still honor the bonds between us. Settlers dominated and divided, but Indigenous peoples won't just send them all "home."
Weaving her own story with the story of her ancestors and with the broader themes of creation, replacement, and disappearance, Krawec helps readers see settler colonialism through the eyes of an Indigenous writer. Settler colonialism tried to force us into one particular way of living, but the old ways of kinship can help us imagine a different future. Krawec asks, What would it look like to remember that we are all related? How might we become better relatives to the land, to one another, and to Indigenous movements for solidarity? Braiding together historical, scientific, and cultural analysis, Indigenous ways of knowing, and the vivid threads of communal memory, Krawec crafts a stunning, forceful call to "unforget" our history.
This remarkable sojourn through Native and settler history, myth, identity, and spirituality helps us retrace our steps and pick up what was lost along the way: chances to honor rather than violate treaties, to see the land as a relative rather than a resource, and to unravel the history we have been taught.
With your toes in the sand, the sun on your face, and the roar of the surf drowning out your worries, reading at the beach is a double dose of escape. But what makes the perfect beach read? Depends on the reader. If you want to get your pulse pounding with horror, mystery, or suspense here are 29 beach-perfect thrillers for you.
ThriftBooks is ringing in a milestone anniversary this year—twenty! In celebration, here are twenty terrific book-to-screen adaptations, spanning a variety of genres, that have come out since we were born.
For a good portion of September, Thrift Books is offering all books in our Literature & Fiction category at 15% off, if you use the code LITFIC at checkout.
Our Back to School discount ended at the end of August, but it wasn't lost on us that we could serve some of those returning students into September by offering a discount on ALL the used books in one of our largest categories.
Have you ever solicited new book ideas from your friends, or posted your inquiry on Facebook, Twitter or some other form of social media? What you hear back is generally a pitch for their favorite author, genre, series, etc., and, ultimately, you realize you are no further in your quest for a new read than when you started. Plus you will now have to answer the question, "So, did you read it?" several times over the weeks and months to come. Sounding familiar?