"One of the few contemporary novels to show Japan as it was and is." -- Japan Times The classic bittersweet story of love and betrayal in the Far East. A stunning tour de force acclaimed throughout the world, The Ginger...
In 1903, a young Scotswoman named Mary Mackenzie sets sail for China to marry her betrothed, a military attach? in Peking. But soon after her arrival, Mary falls into an adulterous affair with a young Japanese nobleman, scandalizing the British community. Casting her out of the...
In 1903, a young Scotswoman named Mary Mackenzie sets sail for China to marry her betrothed, a military attach? in Peking. But soon after her arrival, Mary falls into an adulterous affair with a young Japanese nobleman, scandalizing the British community. Casting her out of the...
In 1903, a young Scotswoman named Mary Mackenzie sets sail for China to marry her betrothed, a military attach? in Peking. But soon after her arrival, Mary falls into an adulterous affair with a young Japanese nobleman, scandalizing the British community. Casting her out of the...