A 11-year-old genius scientist, Max, receives a mission from the secret organization of a distant planet to retrieve a mysterious artifact from a dangerous cave system. Using his vast knowledge and advanced technology, Max invents a heat-resistant suit and a handheld scanner to aid his mission. After navigating through treacherous paths and avoiding dangerous creatures, Max finally reaches the artifact. However, the artifact is protected by a powerful force field. Using his ingenuity, Max creates a device that disables the force field and retrieves the artifact, completing his mission.A 11-year-old genius scientist, Max, receives a mission from the secret organization of a distant planet to retrieve a mysterious artifact from a dangerous cave system. Using his vast knowledge and advanced technology, Max invents a heat-resistant suit and a handheld scanner to aid his mission. After navigating through treacherous paths and avoiding dangerous creatures, Max finally reaches the artifact. However, the artifact is protected by a powerful force field. Using his ingenuity, Max creates a device that disables the force field and retrieves the artifact, completing his mission.