Narra un escalofriante asesinato cometido por Rodi?n Rask?lnikov, un estudiante arrogante cuyo nihilismo anticipa la literatura existencialista. Otras obras notables son Los hermanos Karamazov, El idiota, El jugador o Los endemoniados.
It tells of a chilling...
First published in Russian in 1866, "The Gambler" is a short novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky that follows the story of Alexei Ivanovich, a young tutor working for a previously wealthy Russian army general. Desperately in love with his benefactor's daughter, he acquiesces to place...
Complete and unabridged paperback edition. The Gambler is a short novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky about a young tutor in the employment of a formerly wealthy Russian general.
A compulsive gambler himself at a certain period of his life, Dostoyevsky wrote this novel with real authority. Set in the appropriately named Roulettenburg, a German spa with a casino and an international clientele, it concerns the gambling episodes, tangled love affairs, and...
This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare's...
El jugador es una pieza b?sica en el edificio de la obra de Dostoievski, conteniendo absolutamente todas las caracter?sticas de sus novelas m?s famosas, esto es, morbosidad, dramatismo, tensi?n casi intolerable, agresividad y revelaci?n punzante y sutil de estados an?micos vividos...
First published in Russian in 1866, "The Gambler", by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, is a gripping narrative of the dangers of gambling. As was common with Dostoyevsky's other writings, he draws upon his own life in a semi-autobiographical way. Dostoyevksy himself suffered from a compulsion...
La narracin se desarrolla en primera persona desde el punto de vista de Alexei Ivanvich, el tutor de una familia rusa que vive en una suite de un hotel alemn de la ciudad de Roulettenbourg. El patriarca de la familia, el General, est en deuda con el francs De Grieux y ha hipotecado...
In this dark and compelling short novel, Fyodor Dostoevsky tells the story of Alexey Ivanovitch, a young tutor working in the household of an imperious Russian general. Alexey tries to break through the wall of the established order in Russia, but instead becomes mired in the...
No hay nada de glamour en las salas de juego de la inquietante ciudad-balneario de Ruletenburgo; ni elegantes caballeros de modales refinados, ni vaporosas damas de belleza sin igual. Ni siquiera el brillo del oro apilado. S lo hay chusma continental: haraganes y golfillas, representantes...
In this dark and compelling short novel, Fyodor Dostoevsky tells the story of Alexey Ivanovitch, a young tutor working in the household of an imperious Russian general. Alexey tries to break through the wall of the established order in Russia, but instead becomes mired in the...
The Gambler is the tale of a man named Alexei with a passion for -- no, an addiction to -- roulette. In Dostoevsky's own words, ". . . all his vital sap, all his energies, his impetuosity and boldness will be absorbed by roulette. He is a gambler, but not...
Jeto - Igrok. Proizvedenie zhestkoe do zhestokosti, nervnoe do nerovnosti i iskrennee - uzhe do dushevnoj obnazhennosti. Jeto - svoeobraznaja istorija obyknovennogo bezumija po-dostoevski. Istorija azarta, stavshego dlja cheloveka uzhe ne smyslom igry i dazhe ne smyslom zhizni,...
Its story of passion and despair is based on Dostoevsky's own experience as a compulsive gambler--but Dostoevsky was able to break away, whereas Alexei vows to quit as soon as he breaks even--an event, it is clear, that will never happen.
Like so many other characters...
The Gambler is a short novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky about a young tutor in the employment of a formerly wealthy Russian general. The novella reflects Dostoevsky's own addiction to roulette, which was in more ways than one the inspiration for the book: Dostoevsky completed the...
'The Gambler' is a psychologically probing novel concerning the gambling episodes, tangled love affairs and complicated lives of Alexey Ivanovitch, a young gambler; Polina Alexandrovna, the woman he loves; a pair of French adventurers and other characters. It is a bleak picture...
Como en muchas otras obras de F.M. Dostoievski, en El jugador nos encontramos con un personaje contradictorio, de talante impetuoso y acosado por una pasi n que le sume en la desesperaci n. En este caso, esa pasi n es doble: por una parte, como se puede inferir por el t tulo...