This book presents an argument about the misinterpretation of the violin hold, influenced by inventors who created and promoted accessories categorized as "shoulder rests." These accessories have gradually become widely adopted by all violinists and violists, primarily due to the influence of educational market systems. The aim of this book is to serve as a reminder to violinists and violists that in the not-so-distant past, the violin was hold and played differently by virtuosos of the golden era, with the violin hold being a crucial element in achieving their exceptional technical abilities. The book seeks to guide readers in learning how to hold and play the violin based on its natural ergonomics, providing valuable insights and techniques for a more authentic and effective approach.
In this book, you will learn:
The history of the shoulder restThe inventors of the shoulder restPrinciples of violin learning and playingMuscle memoryThe history of the chin restHow to adjust the chin restHow to Hold the violin without the shoulder restHow to shift without the shoulder rest