A beautiful new edition of the beloved cookbook capturing the spirit of Julia Child's debut TV show, which made her a star and is now featured as the centerpiece of Max's Julia. The French Chef Cookbook is a comprehensive (A oli to Velout , Bouillabaisse to...
The beloved icon and author of best-selling classic Mastering the Art of French Cooking presents an array of delectable French recipes that first made her a household name. Originally debuted on her first public television show, here are 119 traditional French...
All the recipes that Julia Child demonstrated on her first public television series, The French Chef -- the 119 shows that made Julia a household name and changed forever the way Americans cook.
A beautiful new edition of the beloved cookbook capturing the spirit of Julia Child's debut television series, The French Chef, which made her a star and is now featured as the centerpiece of the television series Julia, The French Chef Cookbook is a comprehensive...