We all go through times of uncertainty. These times push at you and challenge you in uncomfortable ways. In the discomfort it can be easy, inviting even, to detach, especially when so much in the world seems to already be disconnected. But being disconnected with your life does not serve you. It is not how you are meant to be living. In fact, it goes against the very nature by which you were created to live-in relationship through connection. This was all put into perspective for me through the death of my husband at age 46, the challenges that ensued, and the determination of my spirit to not only survive but to keep an open and connected heart through it all. Even at times when I felt like it could crush me.
This book is a journey through the connective pathway of relationship. Sharing what I have learned in my life experiences and at the same time taking you through a journey of your own. Guiding you to draw nearer in each of your four relationships: with yourself, with others, with God, and the earth. And leading you to the relational root-the heart. It is the four together that make up the fullness of living. If you lack in one, you have holes that need filling because you cannot be complete without knowing the areas that complete you. It is time to explore and to amplify what your innate connections are so that you can become stronger in them and because of them. It is time to explore The Four Relationships.