The first I Can Read book featuring beloved picture book character Little Penguin, star of Little Penguin Gets the Hiccups--a laugh-out-loud romp
For new readers who are fans of Mo Willems's Elephant and Piggie series and Adam Rubin's Dragons Love Tacos.
A polar bear is coming to visit Little Penguin has never met a polar bear, but his friends have heard they are scary, with sharp teeth and terrifying roars--and that they tell very bad jokes.
But Little Penguin knows you can't believe everything you hear, right?
Little Penguin's New Friend is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.
Our newest survey with OnePoll asked 2,000 U.S. adults how they feel about the self-help genre. And what we learned gave us a whole new way of looking at things.
High school and college students may be feeling weary as they head back into classes during these winter months. Here are some books and guides to help them get organized, focused, and energized.
From individual reflection to the power of positive thought, motivation, and self-help books will help you meet your New Year’s Resolutions goals.
As VP of Operations at ThriftBooks, I'm not only responsible for making sure you get what you order promptly and in the condition you requested, I lead a team that has to source all that product as well. The holidays are upon us and I am approaching with a smile on my face, excited because I know that we have an incomparable assortment of products to offer you.
Happy Celebration of Life Day! Life is sweet. Life is hard. Life’s a trip. No matter who you are or what your circumstances may be, figuring out how to live well is a journey. Even as we savor the sweet aspects of existence, we grapple with questions about what it all means and how we can make the most of ourselves.