This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare's...
Presented in this volume, are 20 of the original books banned from the Bible during the Counsil of Nicea in 325 AD. These early books provide an invaluable glimpse into the original nature of early Christianity.Included are: THE FIRST BOOK OF Adam and Eve, THE SECOND BOOK OF...
The Forgotten Books of Eden is a collection of ancient texts that were excluded from the Bible. Compiled by Rutherford H. Platt, this book includes a variety of stories, legends, and teachings that were once considered sacred by early Christian communities. The texts are divided...
The Forgotten Books of Eden is a collection of ancient Jewish and Christian writings that were not included in the Bible. The book is edited and compiled by Rutherford H. Platt and contains a total of 19 different texts. These texts include stories about Adam and Eve, the life...
The Forgotten Books of Eden is a collection of ancient texts that were excluded from the Bible. This book, compiled by Rutherford H. Platt, contains various stories and legends that were not included in the canonical scriptures. These texts were written in various languages,...
Inform Your Faith Translated and compiled in 1926 by esteemed scholar Rutherford Hayes Platt, The Forgotten Books of Eden is a beautiful collection of apocrypha and pseudepigrapha that is sure to enrich and deepen your appreciation of the Biblical canon...
The Forgotten Books of Eden is a collection of ancient texts that were excluded from the Bible. Compiled and edited by Rutherford H. Platt, this book contains a variety of stories, legends, and myths that were written by early Jewish and Christian authors. Some of the texts included...
The Forgotten Books of Eden is a collection of ancient texts that were excluded from the Bible. The book is compiled and edited by Rutherford H. Platt and contains various stories and legends that were believed to have been written between the Old and New Testaments. The texts...
the Forgotten Books of Eden (1926) is a collection of 17th-century and 18th-century English translations of some Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and New Testament Apocrypha, some of which were assembled in the 1820s, and then republished with the current title in 1926.
Translated and compiled in 1926 by esteemed scholar Rutherford Hayes Platt, The Forgotten Books of Eden is a beautiful collection of apocrypha and pseudepigrapha that is sure to enrich and deepen your appreciation of the Biblical canon. Though these stories, for whatever reason,...