Nolo Press has been printing books on law and legal issues for laypeople for almost 40 years, and as someone with a legal background, I have always been impressed with their products. The Foreclosure Survival Guide is no exception. As I write this review, the US economy is undergoing an unprecedented period of turmoil as the result of irresponsible lending practices in the mortgage market. It is quite possible that some...
I'm an attorney and ordered this book for two reasons: (1) I'm getting more and more questions from those who are having financial difficulties and (2) opposition research. I do not represent debtors but all lawyers get hit up for advice in areas where they do not regularly practice (relatives, friends, etc.). I wanted something handy and concise that summarized the major points. This book does a good job in that respect...
The The Foreclosure Survival Guide: Keep Your House or Walk Away With Money in Your Pocket is a great volume on a timely topic that succeeds in two opposing areas: it covers a lot of ground yet it does not wander. NOLO press is a resource I have used in the past for a variety of legal topics. I am very picky with books in general and I make no bones about that. In the case of NOLO books, they are generally good but this...
With so many foreclosures taking place around us and with there being an uncertain future with finances, I decided to check-out The Foreclosure Survival Guide. I'm so very glad that I did. The author, Attorney Stephen Elias, writes in a very easy to understand way. He walks you through some of the hardest decisions you will have to make about your home such as "Does it make sense to give up your house instead of fighting foreclosure?"...
The US Housing Market and the homeowners utilizing adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) and Interest Only Loans have fallen victim on hard times. A friend of mine, a recently widowed mother of 2 children (one of which is in college), fell victim to foreclosure of her house that lived in for 15 years. I wish I had read this book prior to the loss of her home. Outlined are the various stages of foreclosure and the practical methods...