The Flying Girl is a novel written by L. Frank Baum, author of the Oz books. It was first published in 1911. In the book, Baum pursued an innovative blending of genres to create a feminist adventure melodrama. The book was followed by a sequel, The Flying Girl and Her Chum, published...
The Flying Girl is a novel written by L. Frank Baum, author of the Oz books. It was first published in 1911. In the book, Baum pursued an innovative blending of genres to create a feminist adventure melodrama. The book was followed by a sequel, The Flying Girl and Her Chum, published...
The Flying Girl is a novel written by L. Frank Baum, author of the Oz books. It was first published in 1911. In the book, Baum pursued an innovative blending of genres to create a feminist adventure melodrama. The book was followed by a sequel, The Flying Girl and Her Chum, published...
"May I go now, Mr. Burthon?" asked Orissa.He looked up from his desk, stared a moment and nodded. It is doubtful if he saw the girl, for his eyes had an introspective expression.Orissa went to a cabinet wardrobe and took down her coat and hat. Turning around to put them on she...
"May I go now, Mr. Burthon?" asked Orissa.He looked up from his desk, stared a moment and nodded. It is doubtful if he saw the girl, for his eyes had an introspective expression.Orissa went to a cabinet wardrobe and took down her coat and hat. Turning around toput them on she...
Notion Press proudly brings to you timeless classics from ancient texts to popular modern classics. This carefully chosen collection of books is a celebration of literature, our tribute to the pioneers, the legends and the giants of the literary world. Apart from being...
The Flying Girlby L. Frank BaumIllustrated by Eric ShanowerOriginal halftone plates by Joseph Pierre Nuyttens5 1/2"x 8 1/2" - 188 Pages - Hardcover From the author of The Wizard...