In The Flight of the Wild Gander , renowned mythologist Joseph Campbell explores the individual and geographical origins of myth, outlining the full range of mythology from Grimm's fairy tales to Native American legends. Originally published in 1969, this first collection of...
In Flight of the Wild Gander , renowned mythologist Joseph Campbell -- in his first collection of essays, written between 1944 and 1968 -- explores the individual and geographical origins of myth, outlining the full range of mythology from Grimm's fairy tales to American Indian...
Cu l es el «significado de un rbol? Y el de una mariposa? Y el del sonido de un torrente? Las cosas, como los mitos, sencillamente son. Al contrario de la tendencia actual que considera la palabra «mito como sin nimo de «mentira , los mitos no son invenciones,...
Release Date: Jan 22, 2025