""The Flight Of A Moth"" is a novel published in 1904 by Emily Post, an American author best known for her etiquette books. The story follows the life of a young woman named Cynthia, who is forced to marry a wealthy man she does not love in order to save her family from financial...
The Flight of a Moth is a novel written by Emily Post and first published in 1904. The story revolves around the life of a young woman named Cynthia Randolph, who is born into a wealthy and privileged family in New York City. Despite her privileged upbringing, Cynthia is restless...
The Flight of a Moth is a novel written by Emily Post and published in 1904. The book follows the story of a young woman named Cynthia Warrington who is faced with a difficult decision when she falls in love with a man who is already engaged to another woman. Cynthia, who is...