As a public health professional discouraged by the popularity of weight loss books peddling potentially health compromising diet plans, I find this book to be a breath of fresh air. Sensory-specific satiety is not a new concept, yet to my knowledge Dr. Katz is the first to consider how the average person can understand it and use it to their advantage. His plan makes it easy to control the appetite simply by eating a variety...
I have only been on this diet for two weeks and have lost four pounds! As a health care professional, I know quite a bit about nutrition...yet always managed to fall for the diets that greatly limit carbs. This diet is different. While it took a little bit of getting used to cooking again, now that I am into the swing of things a little preplanning the night before allows me to stick with it! I am finding that I want to...
My husband and I are both committed to eating healthy (and in teaching our kids to eat healthy). We also wanted to lose some weight. However, because we both work full-time jobs, teach college courses part-time, and have two children (ages 3 and 9) to keep up with, eating healthy and losing weight was a challenge. We saw the Flavor Point diet featured on 20/20 and thought we'd give it a try. The meal plans are easy to follow...
Diet book...not really, life changing tool...absolutely! I was one of Dr. Katz's test subjects. My cholesterol went from 234 to 162 after 12 weeks. My Doctor was going to put me on medication for my consistently high cholesterol (everyone in the family is on this kind of medication). I tried to diet and exercise and I couldn't budge that number until Dr. Katz's book. I am beyond thankful for how this book has impacted...
This book is fantastic! The ideas, the rationale, the program, the recipes - down to the smallest detail (what grocery aisle contains what item)are so clear, so concise, and so compelling. The tone is friendly but authoritative. There is the "one-on-one" sense that draws you in to a personal relationship with the authors (love the comments that go along with the recipes) and a feeling that you are interacting with someone...