The Fish Caught By The Virgin: A Mystic Parable by Robert Eisler is a spiritual and thought-provoking book that tells the story of a young woman who catches a fish while fishing in a river. The fish is no ordinary fish, but a mystical being that speaks to the young woman and...
The Fish Caught By The Virgin: A Mystic Parable by Robert Eisler is a thought-provoking and insightful book that explores the themes of spirituality, faith, and the human condition. The book is presented as a parable, and tells the story of a young woman named Mary who catches...
""The Fish Caught By The Virgin: A Mystic Parable"" is a book written by Robert Eisler. The book is a parable that explores the themes of spirituality, faith, and personal growth. The story follows a young woman named Mary, who lives a simple life in a small village. One day,...