The mystery thriller series that inspired the Netflix crime drama Young Wallander - From the dean of Scandinavian noir, the sixth riveting installment in the internationally bestselling and universally acclaimed Kurt Wallander series. In an...
From the #1 international-bestselling master of Scandinavian noir: a "marvelously told mystery" of murder in Sweden and corruption in Africa (Austin American-Statesman). In an African convent, four nuns and an unidentified fifth woman are found with their...
This comprehensive title introduces readers to current electricity and circuits--the pathways through which electricity flows. Detailed diagrams and supportive text explain the basic components of an electric circuit and the functions of these parts. Through real-life examples...
Four nuns and a fifth woman are killed in a savage night-time attack in Africa. A year later, Inspector Kurt Wallander investigates the disappearance of an elderly birdwatcher and discovers a gruesome and meticulously planned murder - a body impaled in a trap of sharpened...