*Got A Monster Under Your Bed?
*Have You Seen A UFO?
*Ever Worry You'll Be Struck Down By Lightning By God?
*Hold On--Ever Wonder About Anything?
Whew Okay-Good
Bloggers, Nina and Joe, have formed a "SECRET SOCIETY" where their opinions count the most Everything from aliens to angels, they aim to put it through their odd, investigative filter to determine if it's "FICKLE" or "NOT FICKLE "
Just before getting church-rules crammed down their throats, The Fickle Finders try to solve the mystery of the elusive "F" Word (FAITH) that seems to be embedded in the very walls of their church
If there's a mystery you can't kick, scratch, chew, smell or yell at--you can bet The Fickle Finders will find a way to do ALL of that and more
The Fickle Finders is a book series that's appropriate for children ages 7 & up It also comes with a Teaching Guide filled with fun quizzes, projects and activities for parents, youth ministry and teachers
The print book has "notebook" lines throughout and the eBook is in color. For young adults & older, there is the accompanying book: "The Other "F" Word: How To Find Faith And Laugh At Yourself While Trying," a Fun guide on the steps to Finding Faith for the Faith seeker in all of us
VISIT: www.FickleFinders.com & www.HeidiHollis.com & www.TheOtherFWord.com