The Farmer's Wife is a comedic play written by Eden Phillpotts, originally published in 1917. The play is set in the English countryside and follows the story of Samuel Sweetland, a widowed farmer who decides to remarry in order to find a new wife to take care of his home and...
Full Length Comedy Characters: 9 male 13 femlae Interior Set A delightful comedy of English country people. The story is concerned with Samuel Sweetland a Devonshire farmer and a widower who decides to marry again. Aided and abetted by his house keeper...
The Farmer's Wife is a comedic play written by Eden Phillpotts and set in the rural English countryside. The story centers around a widowed farmer named Samuel Sweetland who is in search of a new wife. Despite his own lack of charm and social graces, Sweetland is determined to...
""The Farmer's Wife"" is a comedic play written by Eden Phillpotts. The story revolves around a farmer named Samuel Sweetland who has recently become a widower. His housekeeper, Araminta, has been taking care of him and his daughter, but Samuel feels it's time to remarry. He...