Nikki Blue is everything society said she could never become as a lesbian . . . a mother and a wife. Suddenly, her fairy tale is shattered when she suffers a stroke and her life is changed forever. Journaling becomes the saving grace she needs to keep from spiraling into a well of despair. Reels of her life flash before her as the characters take on a life of their own. So she decides to turn her cathartic pastime into a novel. Her imagination runs wild when she convinces herself that she can become a best-selling author.
After years of wilting in her famous wife's shadow, Nikki relishes the idea of basking in her own light. Until she realizes that Mona may not be comfortable with Nikki's public recognition as an out lesbian. Nikki helplessly watches as her marriage slips through her fingers. Mona's desire for a life that doesn't include Nikki and her son breaks Nikki's heart. Mona's budding friendship with chanteuse Isabelle White has developed into a smoldering affair. Overwhelmed with grief and humiliation, Nikki finds comfort and strength in her new passion. She is determined to fulfill her dreams of becoming an award-winning novelist.