The Evil Shepherd is a thrilling novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim. The story revolves around a young man named Richard Verrell, who inherits a large fortune from his uncle. However, things take a dark turn when Richard's uncle's solicitor, Mr. Holymead, reveals to him that...
A former defense attorney turned righteous crusader is the hero of this blockbuster novel from an early master of the thriller genreA businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi...
The Evil Shepherd is a thrilling novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim, first published in 1912. The story revolves around a young man named Peter Brome, who inherits a vast fortune from his late father. Peter is a carefree and adventurous young man who decides to travel to...
A novel of English life of a melodramatic character, so fascinating and so stirring that the most hardened reader can hardly fail to receive a series of thrills.
"A former defense attorney turned righteous crusader is the hero of this blockbuster novel from an early master of the thriller genreA businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi...
Edward Phillips Oppenheim (October 22, 1866 - February 3, 1946), was an English novelist, in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers. Featured on the cover of Time magazine on September 12, 1927, he was the self-styled "prince of storytellers."...
A businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi. Hilditch seems destined for the gallows, but he is saved by brilliant defense attorney Francis Ledsam, who uses every legal trick he...
"A former defense attorney turned righteous crusader is the hero of this blockbuster novel from an early master of the thriller genreA businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi...
A businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi. Hilditch seems destined for the gallows, but he is saved by brilliant defense attorney Francis Ledsam, who uses every legal trick he...
A businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi. Hilditch seems destined for the gallows, but he is saved by brilliant defense attorney Francis Ledsam, who uses every legal trick he...
A businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi. Hilditch seems destined for the gallows, but he is saved by brilliant defense attorney Francis Ledsam, who uses every legal trick he...
A businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi. Hilditch seems destined for the gallows, but he is saved by brilliant defense attorney Francis Ledsam, who uses every legal trick he...
"A former defense attorney turned righteous crusader is the hero of this blockbuster novel from an early master of the thriller genreA businessman is found stabbed through the heart, the obvious suspect his partner: Oliver Hilditch, a cold-eyed fellow with a paper-thin alibi...