A wordsmith of enigmatic tales departs from the bustling streets of Kansas City, seeking inspiration amidst the tranquil waters of Lake Como, Italy. Yet, as her boat, Mystery Ryder, cruises the shimmering lake, the depths beneath reveal more than mere ripples. For within the fiery abyss lie secrets of the departed, and ghostly ships haunt the waters, bereft of living souls. Even the paradisiacal island that beckons is but a fleeting mirage. Bridgette Shore, the master weaver of these captivating narratives, joins forces with divers and kindred spirits to unravel the mysteries hidden beneath the waves, seeking treasures and adventure. And as the ink of her pen spills over the pages, she builds a breathtaking villa amidst the peaks, overlooking the cerulean lake, living a life beyond her wildest dreams. A tale of wonder and enchantment, an odyssey that will leave you spellbound.