Four young British soldiers find themselves trapped behind enemy lines at the height of the fighting on the Western front in August 1914; unable to get back to their units, they shelter in the tiny French village of Villeret. Living in daily fear of capture and execution, they...
Never before told, The Englishman's Daughter is a harrowing tale of love and duplicity and their tragic consequences, which haunt the people of northern France's town of Villeret eight decades after the Great War. photos.
A "remarkable" (The New York Times Book Review) account of four British soldiers forced into hiding in a French village during World War I, and the mystery left behind in their wake--from the bestselling author of The Spy and the Traitor and The Siege....
In the first terrifying days of World War I, four British soldiers found themselves trapped behind enemy lines on the western front. They were forced to hide in the tiny French village of Villeret, whose inhabitants made the courageous decision to shelter the fugitives until...