This book is a wonderfully engaging survey of legendary monsters and modern cryptozoolgy specimens, written in a factual but entertaining style. It presents a rational summary of the evidence or story behind each. Great read for anyone interested in mythical (or not so mythical) monsters and an easily digested scientific explanation of the real story. I loved this book when I checked it out of our elementary school library...
One of the better cryptozoology books I've seen so far. (Some crypto- books are so awful you're embarassed that you even looked at them.) Writing style is skeptical, but nonetheless well-researched. Along with the really well-known cryptozoological oddities such as a variety of Bigfoot and Nessie clones, it also has many obscure (and specific) creatures of modern mythology of which I haven't heard before, often because they...
I must agree with Mister Moczygemba (see below). This book gave me the willies too. Does Goatman exist? Does Gef the mongoose really talk? Do phantom lions really haunt the English countryside? Perhaps we'll never know...
Tonight on "Moczygemba On..." I will be reviewing the book Daniel Cohen's ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MONSTERS. Though not as comprehensive nor as obscure as William Corliss's INCREDIBLE LIFE (see under INCREDIBLE LIFE) which I reviewed some time ago, it covers a different territory, so what are you complaining about?!? Divided up into individual sections pertaining to certain sub-categories, this book delves (huh...huh... I said "delves")...