""The Enchanters: Or, Misnar, The Sultan Of India"" is a novel written by Laura Valentine. The book is set in India and tells the story of a powerful and wealthy sultan named Misnar. Misnar is known for his love of magic and sorcery, and he has surrounded himself with a group...
The Enchanters: Or, Misnar, The Sultan Of India is a novel written by Laura Valentine. The story is set in India and revolves around the life of Misnar, the Sultan of India. Misnar is a powerful ruler who is known for his wealth and authority, but he is also known for his cruelty...
""The Enchanters: Or, Misnar, The Sultan Of India"" is a novel written by Laura Valentine. The story is set in India and revolves around the life of Sultan Misnar, who is known for his love for enchanters and sorcerers. The novel follows the journey of Misnar as he travels across...