One of the most essential works on the 1960s counterculture, Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Test ushered in an era of New Journalism.
This is the seminal work on the hippie culture, a report on what it was like to follow along with Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters as they launched the "Transcontinental Bus Tour" from the West Coast to New York, all while introducing acid (then legal) to hundreds of like-minded folks, staging impromptu jam sessions, dodging the Feds, and meeting some of the most revolutionary figures of the day.
Treat your March-born friends and family to a bookish birthday! Did you know you can schedule ThriftBooks e-Gift Cards to be delivered on a specific date? Or If you'd rather give your March mates something special, we've put together a list of some of the hottest titles of the moment. Plus, learn about literary luminaries born this month.
Sunshine and longer days, and my mind wanders out to the open road. Every summer I plan a phantom route and mode of transportation. Right now I'm pretty keen on taking a VW Vanagon down the 101. Redwoods, North Beach, The Giant Dipper, Big Sur…fish tacos and saltwater taffy.