A true story of how a High School football coach that had coached four football teams in four different states with a combined 0-52 win loss record turned the programs around to win games and eventually take a team that had been beaten 84-0, 65-0., 58-0 and had the longest losing streak in the state of Utah to knock off 5 former state football champions and win the state champions bowl.
Robert R "Buck" Gent Ph.D. psychology, All-American Masters Decathlete, Brigham Young letterman Track and Field, 1997 USA CITGO summer games athlete of the year, World Masters Champion Track and Field Sweden, husband, father and served an LDS mission in Peru SA.
keywords: Football, Challenges, Adversity, Losses, Championships, Overtime, Positive, Hope, Prayer, Faith, Football, Utah, Brigham Young, Gent, High School. Teams. Victory