Over the last decade, intermittent fasting-restricting calorie intake for a proscribed number of hours for a set number of days-has become increasingly popular. While some in the medical community initially dismissed the idea as a dangerous fad, in recent years researchers have validated the safety of fasting for weight loss, and found compelling evidence that it offers wide-ranging health benefits, including lowering blood pressure; reducing risk factors for diabetes, cancer, and other diseases; promoting longevity; and increasing cognitive function. However, many people aren't sure how to incorporate fasting into their daily routine. What are the best practices? Do you need to fast every day? What do you eat on non-fasting days? How can you fast when your family doesn't? What if you're a person who gets hungry after not eating for a few hours?Tired of counting calories, eliminating foods from your diet, or obsessing about food all day? If so, an intermittent fasting lifestyle might be for you! In this book, you will learn the science behind intermittent fasting, and also understand how to adjust the various intermittent fasting plans to work for your unique lifestyle. The best part about intermittent fasting is that it doesn't require you to give up your favorite foods! You'll learn how to change WHEN to eat, so you don't have to change WHAT you eat. Are you ready to take control of your health, and finally step off of the diet roller coaster?
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