With stylistic brilliance and historical imagination, the first five books of Livy's monumental history of Rome record events from the foundation of Rome through the history of the seven kings, the establishment of the Republic and its internal struggles, up to Rome's recovery...
"The fates ordained the founding of this great city and the beginning of the world's mightiest empire, second only to the power of the gods" Romulus and Remus, the rape of Lucretia, Horatius at the bridge, the saga of Coriolanus, Cincinnatus called from...
In addition to Valerie Warrior's crisp, fluent translation of the first five books of Livy's Ab Urbe Condita , this edition features a general introduction to Livy and his work, extensive foot-of-the-page notes offering essential contextual information, and a chronology of events...
"This translation first published in 1960"--T.p. verso.
Livys Early History of Rome tells of a small monarchical states struggle to survive. It tells the story of the overthrow of the kings and the development of the Roman Republic. It depicts the qualities that allowed the early Romans to overcome internal disputes...
The first five books of Livy's history of early Rome recount the great stories and moments of Roman history. From Romulus and Remus, to the rape of Lucretia, to Horatius at the bridge, Livy's massive work immortalizes the events which both defined early Roman civilization and...